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Al Mizan School

Year 6 -7 Transition

Navigating the path to Secondary education

Embarking on the journey of selecting the right secondary school for your child is undoubtedly a significant milestone. We understand that this process can be both exciting and overwhelming. To assist you in making an informed decision, we have compiled a comprehensive guide that includes valuable resources and insights.

Year 6 Parents' evening presentation

If you missed our Year 6 Parents' Evening, don't worry! We have shared the presentation slides, providing an overview of the secondary school options, the admission process, and why you should consider London East Academy as a natural progression from Al-Mizan School.  See link below 

Secondary Options evening presentation

How to apply for local authority schools 

Understanding the application process for local authority schools is crucial. Please see the presentation above on how to apply for local authority schools within Tower Hamlets. You can also visit the Tower Hamlets admissions page on: https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/education_and_learning/schools/school_admissions/secondary_school_admissions.aspx 

London East Academy: A natural choice

Why London East Academy?
  •  London East Academy share the same mission and values of Al-Mizan of  "educating learners and leaders who contribute to society with Islamic values". Learning and teaching is a path to paradise, and we REAP the rewards of our efforts in this world and the next. Respect. Excellence. Accountability. Piety. 
  • A seamless transition from primary to secondary under the same school management and governance 
  • Dedicated focus for the memorisation of the Holy Qur'an in the same structure of the Al-Mizan Hifdh Programme 
  • Outstanding GCSE results over the last 5 years which includes Arabic Language and IGCSE Islamiyat