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Al Mizan School


Our Curriculum

  • English Language/Literacy
  • Reading
  • Handwriting
  • Mathematics/Numeracy
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Computing
  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
  • Religious Education
  • Arabic Language
  • Islamic Studies

We are continually trying to develop a broad and balanced curriculum combining Hifz, Islamic Studies and the National Curriculum requirements. All subjects whether arts or science, academic or recreational are taught ultimately from an Islamic perspective. Islamic aspects are promoted in all areas of the curriculum.



We favour whole class teaching but with work differentiated according to the ability of the children, so that the more able child is stretched as well as assistance given to those who are lower achieving. We aim to make our children independent learners and emphasis is placed upon written work of a high standard in both its content and presentation.


It is important that children should develop understanding of the spoken word and learn to express themselves effectively in a variety of speaking and listening activities. Learning situations are organised in order for this to happen in a structured way. We do this using various strategies such as presentations about various subjects and discussions.


Year 3 Curriculum